1) So, what got you into The Sweeney?
I'd already seen Starsky and Hutch and was just getting into The Professionals on G- back in 2000. The Sweeney started
to be shown right after Profs so I sat and watched it and just loved it. Having grown up in the 90's with all that girl power
bollocks, it was really good to see blokes allowed to be blokes again :) I seem to remember watching the repeats on ITV in
the late 80's with my Grandma as well.
2) Regan or Carter?
Regan every time. I can't believe John Thaw could play him and Inspector Morse. Two characters that couldn't have been more
different if you tried! Regan would eat Morse alive!! That doesn't take away from Dennis who I thought was great and even
better in Minder.
3) How many times did Regan say 'SHUT IT!'?
I counted about 14 times during the series. Me being a sad bastard I notice these things :)
4) We know your favourite episode. What's your least favourite?
I hate those silly comedy episodes that mar season four. Probably the worst is Trust Red, but there are a few throughout
the series that are bad.
5) What do you think of Life on Mars?
Love it! Best thing to come on TV for years. Phil Glenister is perfect in that and John Simm (although I think he has
a far less interesting character to play) is doing a good job with Sam. Wish they'd cut out the stuff with 'we shouldn't
do it the hard way' because there's only so many times you can have the same conversation.